Statement from Jameis Winston:
“After careful consideration, I have decided that I no longer wish to play for the Cleveland Browns. This has not been an easy decision, as I’ve had the privilege of working with some incredible teammates and coaches during my time with the organization.
I want to express my gratitude to the Browns’ coaching staff, my teammates, and the fans who have supported me throughout my time with the team. It has been an honor to be part of the Cleveland organization, and I will always value the experiences I’ve gained and the connections I’ve made.
However, after reflecting on my personal goals and future aspirations, I feel that it’s time for me to pursue new opportunities that better align with my vision. This is a personal decision, and I hope the fans understand and respect my choice.
I wish nothing but the best for the Cleveland Browns as they continue to move forward. I will forever carry the memories of my time with the team, and I look forward to seeing their future successes.”